Thursday, June 23, 2016

Business Meeting - June 2016

Jun 20 2016

Austin reported the financials for the noon meeting and the grant account. Utilities and rent are paid up. Living Sober books are purchased and when they arrive Rocky will marry each copy with Clinton Meeting List and District Meeting lists to form our newcomer packet. Extra copies of meeting lists as well as book donations are on the shelf behind the chairpersons desk.

Discussion around next steps for improving the location. We discussed two possible approaches towards the landlord to help with covering costs, whether she would consider covering a portion of the cost such as half or give a similar consideration in rent reduction, perhaps over a period of time. We would like to improve the space but have no long term commitment such as lease. If we improve the plant and property ( e.g. for example we have already contributed to furnace, improved lavatory and considering new AC.).  General agreement not to risk full expense without some assurance that the investment can be enjoyed by the users of the space for years going forward, OR less expense risked, OR some combination of these.

Austin will have a conversation with landlord and then based on that reading and communication of results we can determine whether town should be or need be involved.(they pay a portion of rent).

Sarah has not asked for compensation for lavatory materials nor has Teague asked for lighting but if these are brought forward to Austin they will be considered.

Discussion around expansion of recovery mission previously discussed (see prior minutes) , and relationship to grants, current and proposed (by Sharon Welch). General agreement that we cannot afford to hire grant writer per se, but possibly could fund future grant writing from new grants obtained that specifically expand use of our space for purposes previously outlined, such as teen , and family services like alateen, alanon and similar recovery support. Sharon has experience with MAC in Leominster and grant research but not clear whether MAC has continuerd legal standing to accept grant funds or what the nature of cooperation with MAC might look like. General agreement that financial entanglement with another entity should be avoided but we would like to encourage cooperation to the extent that it supports obtaining grant money and furthering the recovery mission, particularly in the areas we have identified as holes and opportunities. Rocky will try to get clarification from Sharon on MAC status and expectations for how her experience can be leveraged in Clinton. (Aside: can CAIC experience be leveraged in Leominster?)

MEETING MINUTES – Month of May, 2016

MEETING MINUTES – Month of May, 2016

new business

Air Conditioning - Discussion was held about possible installation of a new air conditioning unit for center. Newer upright fan model/styles and use of fans were discussed for noise reduction as thought to be quieter (but perhaps more expensive). Room size: 1500 BTU. Scott stated current A/C works well if meeting members put air on 2 hours prior to cool room off in summer months.
Rug Cleaning – topic was brought up again with similar discussion as before. Someone discussed having rug installed for approx.. $2,500 vs. cleaning w. Stanley Steamer. Someone mentioned can’t clean due to too many tears. Topic was tabled again for further Board discussion.
General Cleaning – Sharon volunteered to help with cleaning center (weekly) after noon group if desired

financial review

Austin reviewed current financial corp. information. He also reminded group of the goals that were intended for grant/funds received for the corporation: To establish support for local AA, NA, Al-anon, AA, DV, Alateen. Money resides in separate accounts and 501c3 status can accept tax-deductible donations. Austin discussed having electric bill but not gas, may need to research.

Looking Ahead

Sharon Welsh, consultant and last acting Director and grant writer for the MAC organization of Leominster, MA offered to work on behalf of the center researching and finding grants for the organization. She also suggested developing a volunteer fundraising team. Austin asked that she talk with Rocky about an ideal budget for recovery literature expenditures and the possibility of her working with the Board in the future to help cover these costs.
Minutes taken by: Sharon Welsh

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 2016 Business Meeting

  • Austin reported on finances which are strong, bills are paid and 10,952 in reserves
  • Discussion about various outreach goals including
    • an ala teen or young peoples meeting at the center, since there is a fair amount of open space on the weekly calendar
    • outreach to schools, Mike B. Suggested that Ernie K. has some info about outreach to schools.
    • a meeting for women with substance abuse and abusive relationship issues
    • purchasing a Clinton Item ad space to publish Clinton Meeting days/times . Austin will check prices, Rocky will build a smaller , denser version of the Clinton Meeting list for a print ad (done: 21-Mar-16)
    • Newcomer packets are exhausted (Book, Area Meetings, Clinton meetings). Initially 5 donated copies of Living Sober from Central Park. Replenish these with 10 copies. Get more meeting lists, and Mike B. Suggested the low cost “ AA Meeting in a Pocket” publication. (Rocky 21-Mar-16 added Literature links to CAIC website and Central Park website and forwarded order form to Austin)
    • A referral list of phone numbers on the website for problems interlaced with substance abuse such as battered women, childcare , elders, unwed mothers, etc. Wheat, Foodbank, Child family services .
  • Managing access to the center, Big Al is in charge and has given out some keys, Austin will speak with Al to insure that this is managed.

Friday, December 4, 2015

November Business meeting

Notes from Sharon W.



1:00 pm - Austin opened this meeting which included members from the AA noon-time group

-          $10,000 grant award has been received by the Swartz Foundation

o   This is expected to cover at least approx. 40 months of CAIC rent

o   Will be deposited into the business checking account/Clinton

-          Total rent amount was reviewed:  $650/ mos (400 paid by town & 200 paid by CAIC)

-          Topic of whether to install new carpet or not was discussed at length.  Arguments for included: discussion on health history of old carpet, possible mold/odor underneath, etc.  Arguments against included: discussion on how such a high traffic area may produce much wear and tear in a short amount of time and may not be worth it as it may need replacement.  Subject of cleaning the carpet and installing tile also came up.  Argument against tile was that floor is on slope & possible installation costs, where a member of the group offered to install new carpet at no cost.

-          A sample of new carpet was on display, member quoted estimated cost at Home Depot ($1,117).  Letterhead from non-profit may allow for a discount. 

-          Austin explained that any recommendations from this meeting need to be discussed and voted on by the CAIC Board of Directors and all voting members were not present, quorum not met.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Clinton AIC Board business meeting 29-Sep-2015

  • Austin reported that the current bills such as rent and utilities are paid and about $1300 remains in the checkbook

  • Austin submitted the 501(3C) application and fronted the $400 application fee and awaits the number

  • After obtaining the number the corporate entity will be able to accept donations and because of its tax exempt status donors can expect the tax benefit which is due for charitable donations

  • The number will also clear the way for grant applications.

  • Big Al reported that the furnace issue was resolved by the landlord and that he spent $80 on supplies at BJ's.

  • The corporation still needs to develop a standard way of handling petty cash exchanges with participating groups that make use of the center. At the moment, transparency provided by regular business meetings is probably sufficient but as center services expand, perhaps a more formal arrangement can be developed.

  • NA buys its own coffee supplies and is currently charged $35 per month rent. They meet 2 times per week. Each meeting currently has its own locker for books, supplies, etc.

  • AA recommends that each group should be self-sufficient, declining outside donations and we seem to be very close to the spirit of this tradition. A small amount of sharing such as coffee cups and appliances, takes advantage of limited space for bulk items and is not a problem for the currently small amount of potential center utilization that is actually used. This might change with expanded services, but at the moment the simplicity seems appropriate.

  • The rent charged groups is also somewhat arbitrary but could be revisited if needed by the board.

  • Austin has a first pass of by-laws that he will share with the board for review.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Clinton AIC Board business meeting 29-Sep-2015

  • Austin reported a balance of $1320 and change, not counting what Big Al has been holding during Austin's trip to the land of Octoberfest.

  • Austin has ordered 3 grapevine subscriptions, a discussion ensued about whether to use them as fund raisers or give out as prizes or just make available in the center for sharing, and the later was agreed uopn.

  • There was some discussion as to futures for literature, should we make books available, start a library etc. There was general agreement that a newcomer packet of some kind should be available and what ought to be included. Discussion brought out concerns of affordability in the short term, but that low cost or free important resources like meeting lists, perhaps pamphlets, perhaps living sober book. Rocky volunteered to produce a meeting list sheet of Clinton meetings including CAIC space meetings that could be a page on the web site and handed out. Rocky volunteered to check out living sober price. (update: $5 from Central Service for qty1-19)

  • Austin is still pursuing the article of incorporation as 501(C3) non-profit, which is the first step towards a stable financial footing in the vision to provide a stable platform for recovery program expansion in town. His vision includes many things for problems that are often related to substance abuse, such as battered women, day care, telephone resources, coordination with other groups and the like. He has a start on a vision statement and will be sharing the charter statement (from 501(C3) application) with the board via email.

  • There was some discussion about the separation of corporate entity from recovery groups particularly as it relates to the tradition of group autonomy. While there was some concerns raised about how formal or complicated this might become, there was general agreement in moving towards some model that conforms to the spirit of that tradition. I threw out this verbage: “Traditions suggest that we move towards a more formal separation between the corporate entity and the self-sustaining recovery groups which use its resources”. This will not happen overnight because the business model is not yet fully understood, but as we develop it, something to keep in mind.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sept meeting date has changed

Due to Personal board vacations the date of the next business meeting has shifted to Sept 29 1p.m.